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干燥机的出口露 点不合格的原因?

来源:https://www.sdqyjn.com/   日期:2021-06-02   浏览量:0
压缩空气的含水量多少一般用压力露 点来表示,露 点越低,表示含水值越小,干燥机的干燥效果越好。在工业中,由于各种用气设备及工艺流程的不同,需要有不同压力露 点的压缩空气干燥设备为用户提供选择的可能。有的要求压力露 点达到-20℃,有的要求压力露 点不低于-40℃,还有的压力露 点要求在-70℃左右。
The water content of compressed air is generally expressed by pressure dew point. The lower the dew point is, the smaller the water content is, the better the drying effect of the dryer is. In industry, due to the difference of various gas equipment and process flow, compressed air drying equipment with different pressure dew point is needed to provide users with the possibility of choice. Some require that the pressure dew point should reach - 20 ℃, some require that the pressure dew point should not be lower than - 40 ℃, and some require that the pressure dew point should be about - 70 ℃.
干燥机出口露 点不合格的原因:
Causes of unqualified dew point at dryer outlet:
1、干燥机出口露 点过高
1. Too high dew point at dryer outlet
2. If the flow value exceeds the design condition, the adsorption dryer should be designed according to the air compressor exhaust volume and working flow.
3. The desiccant has no adsorption effect and the filter element needs to be replaced
4. There is no pretreatment to remove the liquid water before the air flow enters the dryer. The liquid water should be pretreated before the compressed air enters the dryer. Otherwise, it will exceed the adsorption capacity of the adsorbent and lose the adsorption effect after the adsorbent is saturated.
5. The service life of the dryer is over
压缩空气干燥机(干燥机|吸干机)是压缩空气系统的重要组成部分,常见的压缩空气干燥机有冷冻式干燥机和吸附式干燥机。贝腾模芯干燥机是两者的升级版,能彻 底解决压缩空气含水问题,帮助企业提高压缩空气品质,从而提高生产工艺,降低生产成本。
Compressed air dryer (dryer | suction dryer) is an important part of the compressed air system. The common compressed air dryers are freeze dryer and adsorption dryer. Beiteng mold core dryer is an upgraded version of the two, which can completely solve the problem of water content in compressed air, help enterprises improve the quality of compressed air, so as to improve the production process and reduce production costs.
